Over the past several decades this dark leafy green has become the ultimate symbol of the health food movement. Today, kale has taken a step...
What is it about these majestic beaming flowers that enchant and capture us? Maybe it’s that they can get to about 14 feet tall,...
Every year when the heat peaks in the summer, Zinnias explode like a floral nebula in our gardens. A starburst of every color and...
Do you think of poop when you think of fertilizing your gardens? If you’re going the organic route of fertilizing (the best way to...
When does hand pollination come into play? Usually when you have indoor or isolated plants that pollinators can’t get to. If you live in...
What would the world be without corn? Its uses range from food for humans and livestock, ethanol, corn syrup, bio-based plastics and settings for...
When someone says the word ‘pumpkin’, one can’t help but invoke images of delicious pies and stews, crisp cool evenings and the promise of...
Sounds like a dating site for plants, right? Well, maybe not a dating site, but companion planting is growing different plants together in a...
Something most people don’t want to do, or they don’t know how to do is thin their plants. Some gardeners (including myself earlier on)...
When the nights start getting longer, and pumpkin spice lattes are making their annual debut, it’s time to start thinking about protecting your garden...
We all had Kindergarten teachers tell us that April showers bring May flowers. but can you grow a garden during the rest of the year!?!? The answer is a...
Looking for our older pre-designed Seedsheets? Here are field-tested, and tastebud-approved garden designs so you can build your own versions of our popular products that...