Have you always wanted to grow a garden, but felt a little too afraid to start because it's confusing, difficult, or you live in an urban area? At Seedsheet, we've made growing your own fresh ingredients ridiculously easy regardless of gardening expertise or limited space.
Planting a Seedsheet is simple; check out these essential steps below to start growing!
Fill your garden container with fresh, organic potting soil until it is filled almost entirely to the top and gently pat to level. To prevent extreme soil level settling in your container, add soil incrementally and pat it down between additions. This will allow light to reach the seedlings immediately as they germinate (sprout) and not be shaded by the sides of the fabric bag.
Place the Seedsheet seed-side-down on top of the soil, and press down lightly so the sheet is level. Double check that you cannot see the seeds and that the Seedsheet is facing down, or the seeds won't be able to germinate!
Take the three included green stakes in from the package and place them through the perforated holes cut in the black Seedsheet fabric. These stakes will hold down your Seedsheet and protect it from the wind.
Now that the Seedsheet is secure, begin watering. Use the included green misting nozzle affixed to a plastic bottle with a standard screw-top. Start by watering slowly for about 15 seconds, and then pause for about 30 seconds to let the water soak into the dissolvable pods. Continue watering in increments until the pods have completely dissolved. You can check this by gently lifting an edge of the black fabric to make sure the pods have dissolved completely and that the soil from within the pods is now fully-saturated.
It's essential that the clear film completely dissolves the first time the Seedsheet is watered! Check on your Seedsheet and water each day to keep the soil moist so the seeds can all germinate. Be patient, some seeds are "lazy" and take longer than others to sprout.
Congrats! You've just completed the first steps to #SEEDSHEETSUCCESS
More questions, check out our Ultimate Guide!

Comments (32)
That is a great question, Mary! The reality is that everyone who is planting a Seedsheet is growing in a unique environment with different external factors that effect the growth process in different ways. This means that for watering in particular, we can only give general instructions for the recommended amounts and frequency. That being said, in places like Arizona (where the air is much more dry), the soil will dry out faster, so more water may be needed than what is recommended in the instructions. On the other hand, in places with a much more humid climate (like Florida), you may have to water a bit less quantity and perhaps less often than the instructions indicate.
The key is to make sure that the soil is constantly moist, however it should never be saturated to the point where there is standing water for more than an hour or two at most. During the germination process, it is extremely important that the seeds be in constant contact with water in order for them to germinate properly, however if they are sitting in water for prolonged period of time, they can actually rot. As you have probably gathered, it is a bit of a balancing act, but remember that we are always here if you have questions and feel free to send us pictures to see if you are over/under watering.
What would be an appropriate amount of water each morning when watering plants from the start?
Great question, Mera! We suggest, once at least one of your plants has reached one inch in height, your container should be moved to an area that receives 10-12 hours of direct sunlight per day (8 hours at a minimum). If you are planing on growing inside with natural light, you will want to make sure that your plants are in south facing window, as that will give it the most amount of direct sunlight throughout the day.
However, if you do not think you will be able to provide that amount of natural direct sunlight for your plants, you do have two other options. The first would be to just wait until the weather is nice enough for you to plant outside. If you are not able to plant outside though, then you will want to look into purchasing a full spectrum LED grow light to help supplement the natural light inside. If you are leaning toward an LED light, let us know and we will help you pick out a light that will best suit your growing situation.
Do they need sunshine to grow or can they thrive indoors? We don’t have much sun and I’d be worried about the wild critters harvesting before we can.
Great question! We have actually curated all of our sheets so that they have the perfect amount of space to grow healthy and full in the fabric containers. So, there is no need to transplant at any point during the growing process. You can also definitely plant the sheets directly on the ground on top of prepared soil. However, when planting in containers, there are many more factors that can be controlled to make sure you produce a successful harvest. For example, it is much easier to control the moisture level when growing in a container. Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.
The Seedsheet Team
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