The Seedsheet was an idea that quite literally sprouted in the garden.
Back in 2012, I was working at an Architecture Firm as their LEED Project Manager and designing sustainable elements like green roofs and vegetated growing walls. That summer I was asked to house-sit for a co-worker, because I lived in Vermont this "house" was actually an 80-acre dairy farm! I was paid with access to their bountiful garden, and I loved the experience of shopping for my meals in the backyard. As a recent college grad I had a busy schedule, a tiny apartment, a small paycheck, and minimal gardening knowledge, so I didn't think I could start my own garden.

One afternoon while harvesting in the garden, I had an epiphany.
How can I combine architecture and agriculture together to make a product that makes gardening easy?
The idea hit me, and I dropped my kale, sprinted into the farmhouse, and using my co-worker's kids' crayons sketched out the first drawing of the Seedsheet; a product that turns anyone into a successful farmer.No overalls required.
It's time to take control of your food.
We are spoiled living here in Vermont, where our definition of "local" is measured in feet, not miles. That's why we are passionate about Seedsheet, because we know where our food comes from, and we want to help you know too. Our mission is to make growing plants ridiculously easy, and help you put a Vermont Farm on your fire escape, stoop, patio, yard or rooftop.

Cameron MacKugler, Founder/CEO